
非紧急电话: 203-238-1911


9月28日th, 1868 the 足彩app 警察 Department was formed to provide the citizens of the growing 足彩app市 with policing services.  自成立以来, the 足彩app 警察 Department has grown into a budgeted agency of 127 sworn officer positions of various ranks, 以及众多文职人员.  在过去的150多年里, the 足彩app 警察 Department has been led by more than twenty-one (21) different Chiefs of 警察. 现任局长罗伯托·罗萨多(Roberto Rosado)是第21任局长st)警察厅厅长. 

今天, 足彩app警察局的主要职能包括, 为市民提供警务服务, 执行交通及噪音规例, 调查犯罪, 协助罪行受害人, 维护梅里登市的法律和秩序. 梅里登警察局每天24小时提供服务, 一周7天, 一年365天, 是第三级, 国家级认可机构. (奖励链接)  我们的警官被部署在有标志和无标志的巡洋舰上, 自行车, 摩托车, 专门的巡逻, 步行去满足我们社区居民的需求. 

There are four (4) main Divisions within the department: 警方的行动 Division, 调查服务科, 支援服务科, and the 特别事务科 with each division comprising of specialized units, 团队, 办公室, 以及许多帮助和加强该机构使命的项目.  详情请参阅组织架构图.


  • 副局长耶利米·斯库利,外勤行动局
  • 副局长尼古拉斯·舍伍德 行政服务局
  • 乔治·德尔马斯特队长-支援服务部
  • 约翰·门诺恩上尉,警察行动部
  • 肖恩·菲利普斯探长,调查服务部的
  • 乔治·克莱门茨探长 特别事务科

(有关指挥人员的详细传记,请按 点击这里 )

罗萨多局长制定并执行了以下声明, 的指导方针, 以及帮助领导机构前进并在荣誉基础上继续发展的原则, 专业, and outstanding services that have been provided to the citizens of 足彩app for more than 150 years.

美瑞登警察局的使命是保护生命, 保护财产, 并以道德的方式执法, 富有同情心的, 和宪法的方式,同时用程序正义促进公平, 透明度, 让社区发出自己的声音,保持公正. The 足彩app 警察 Department will utilize 21st Century policing concepts to provide community based and problem-solving services in an effort to reduce crime, 对犯罪的恐惧, 确保我们社区的安全, 提高生活质量, 与我们的社区建立信任和伙伴关系.

The 足彩app 警察 Department’s philosophy and values are combined to meet our goals. 指挥人员 principles reflect the guiding Philosophy of the 足彩app 警察 Department. Every Commander owes it to their First Line Supervisors and the Officers they lead to explain our Philosophy supporting the direction of the 足彩app 警察 Department. The 足彩app 警察 Department will utilize 21st Century Policing concepts while maintaining traditional and proven Law 执行 strategies to reduce criminal activity.  指挥参谋哲学的目的是设定指导和方向, 建立目标, 制定标准, 并将期望传达给所有员工.

梅里登警察局的座右铭 “与社会各界携手合作” is demonstrated by our partnership with the 足彩app 社区委员会 and other community based organizations within the City. 


  • 完整性: 我们将秉持诚信和专业精神,而不受公众的关注.
  • 公平: 我们将促进问责制、透明度和平等待遇.
  • 尊重: 我们将以尊严对待社会和彼此.
  • 服务: 我们将以勇气和荣誉为社会服务.
  • 团队合作: 我们将相互合作,并与我们的合作伙伴共同努力实现我们的目标.


The 足彩app 警察 Department is committed to reducing and deterring crime through traditional Law 执行 and community based and problem-solving services. 公司reased 培训 and 21st Century policing concepts will be used to bridge the gaps between 警察 Officers and the public in order to strengthen community trust and build relationships. We will strive for organizational excellence in 培训 and performance and become the Law 执行 leaders in our community and state.

  • 减少犯罪
  • 执行专业发展和培训标准
  • 加强社区信任和关系
  • 实现组织卓越
  • 公平、透明、公正 

The vision of the 足彩app 警察 Department is to be a leader in Law 执行 through strong community partnerships, 专业发展的员工, 增强技术, 实现既定目标,坚持我们的价值观. The 足彩app 警察 Department will continue to meet the required expectations for Accreditation 标准 within the State of Connecticut and through the Commission on Accreditation for Law 执行 Agencies, 公司.


问责与责任 – Every leader is responsible and accountable for everything their Division does or does not accomplish. 虽然每个官员都要对自己的行为负责, 问责和责任将放在每个主管的肩上.

安全 – Every member of the 足彩app 警察 Department is responsible for safety and it is vital to Officer well-being. We can also train aggressively without sacrificing safety or the welfare of the Officers. It’s up to Division Commanders and 培训 Officers to provide a safe 培训 environment for Officers to train safely and prepare Officers for success. All Officers while engaged in the performance of their duties shall utilize safety measures to work in a safe and responsible manner.

官福利 – All Supervisors are responsible for 官福利 and shall extend our care to each member’s family. An Employee 援助 Program (EAP) and other required counseling will be provided to Officers in need when requested by the individual member or from recommendations made by peers or supervisors. 当情况或事件需要时,EAP也可以扩展到家庭成员.

部门维护、招聘 & 保留 -没有人员, we can’t accomplish the goals set forth by the 指挥人员 and continue the special assignments available to Officers. 因此, we will challenge every member of the 足彩app 警察 Department to assist in recruiting and 培训 new Officers to meet the 足彩app 警察 Department standards. 保留 will fall on the shoulders of the First Line supervisors and Command staff and are responsible for, 但不限于, 提高士气, 培训, and promotional or other opportunities within the department to retain members of the department. “我们会听取员工的意见”.

标准 & 培训 “部队战备和备战的关键是训练” – The 足彩app 警察 Department Standard and 培训 will be guided by POST requirements and 21st Century 警察 practices. 所有警官将根据规定要求接受培训, 需要额外的培训, 以及基于个人表现和/或兴趣的激励. 所有人员都将接受培训,以满足社会和部门的期望.

统一指挥 – One Division Commander will be responsible for all Officers in his/her specific Division and each Officer in that specific Division should only report to one Division Commander when feasible. 这不会产生“或”, 是不是有意成为部门之间有效沟通的障碍, 什么对部门的成功至关重要.

指挥系统 – Although the 足彩app 警察 Department is a para-military organization and the 指挥人员 believes in the chain of command, 众所周知,沟通是非常重要的. 通过指挥链进行有效的双向沟通是极其重要的, 但要明白,有时候个人沟通更有价值. Administrative staff will have an open door policy and strive to maintain open channels of communication in order to speak with Officers individually. Effective communication will be a balancing act and key to Department and individual success.


We encourage all residents to take an active part in your community by joining your 社区协会.  参观 社区委员会 更多资讯网址.


I, _____(说出你的名字)_____, 郑重宣誓(或确认), 我将支持和捍卫宪法, 法律, 以及《体育足彩app》和《足彩app》

That on my honor, I will never betray my badge, my integrity, or the public’s trust…

我将忠实而公正地, 履行我的职责, 尽我所知和所能, 愿上帝保佑我.


非紧急报警电话 203-238-1911

要报告你附近的毒品活动,请发邮件给 扑灭罪案组 或打电话 203-630-6273

要报告您所在社区的生活质量问题,请发送电子邮件至 倪主管 或打电话 203-630-6251

要报告交通和停车投诉,请发送电子邮件至 交通小组主任

要举报暴力犯罪,请发送电子邮件至 重案组 或致电203-630-6253